屈孟男,男,1981年生,教授,博士生导师,兰州大学有机化学博士,美国匹兹堡大学博士后。伟德国际1946bv官网“胡杨学者”特聘教授,陕西高校青年创新团队带头人, 获陕西省“青年科技新星”称号。担任中国机械学会表面工程分会青年工作委员会委员、陕西省化学会理事、陕西省机械工程学会摩擦学分会理事、新加坡Viser出版集团编委会成员、<<材料保护>>青年编委、国家自然科学基金项目评议专家;Nature Protocols、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Journal of Materials Chemistry A等多个国际著名学术期刊审稿人;享受陕西省“三秦人才”津贴。
目前研究方向为:仿生功能界面材料的制备及应用研究。主持两项国家自然科学基金面上项目等十余项省部级科研项目。一成果被世界著名科学刊物<<Nature>>评为研究亮点(research highligh), 并专文进行了报道和评述。迄今在Advanced Functional Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Chemical Engineering Journal, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等期刊上发表相关学术论文80余篇,引用1500次以上。均以第一完成人获陕西省科学技术三等奖、陕西高等学校科学技术二等奖和多项伟德国际1946bv官网科学技术一等奖。
研究组地址:伟德国际1946bv官网 雁塔校区 伟德betvlctor体育官网4-503室(仿生功能界面材料实验室)
办公室地址:伟德国际1946bv官网 雁塔校区 科技大厦13楼A25室
2010年9月-2011年9月 美国匹兹堡大学(化学与石油工程系) 博士后
2003年9月-2008年6月 兰州大学(功能有机分子化学国家重点实验室) 博士学位
1998年9月-2002年6月 武汉理工大学(化学工程系) 学士学位
2.陕西省科学技术奖 三等奖 2016年 第一完成人
3.陕西高等学校科学技术奖 二等奖 2015年 第一完成人
4.西安市自然科学优秀学术论文奖 一等奖 2020年 通讯作者
5.伟德国际1946bv官网科学技术奖 一等奖 2020年 第一完成人
6.伟德国际1946bv官网科学技术奖 一等奖 2017年 第一完成人
7.伟德国际1946bv官网科学技术奖 一等奖 2014年 第一完成人
8.陕西省青年科技新星 2013年
9.伟德国际1946bv官网优秀教师 2016年
1. Jinmei He,* Jiao He, Mingjuan Yuan, Menghui Xue, Xuerui Ma, Lingang Hou, Tianjun Zhang, Xiangrong Liu, Mengnan Qu.* Facile Fabrication of Eco-Friendly Durable Superhydrophobic Material from Eggshell with Oil/Water Separation Property. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2018, 20, 1701180. (Nature research highlight, 2018, 558, 489. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-05499-x)
2. Lili Ma, Jiaxin Wang, Jinmei He*, Yali Yao, Xuedan Zhu, Lei Peng, Jie Yang, Xiangrong Liu, Mengnan Qu*. Ultra-sensitive, durable and stretchable ionic skins with biomimetic micronanostructures for multisignal detection, high-precision motion. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9, 26949-26962.
3. Jiaxin Wang, Lili Ma, Jinmei He,* Yali Yao, Xuedan Zhu, Lei Peng, Jie Yang, Kanshe Li, Mengnan Qu,*. Superwettable hybrid dielectric based multimodal triboelectric nanogenerator with superior durability and efficiency for biomechanical energy and hydropower harvesting. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.134002.
4. Jiaxin Wang, Jinmei He,* Lili Ma, Yali Yao, Xuedan Zhu, Lei Peng, Xiangrong Liu, Kanshe Li, Mengnan Qu,*. A humidity-resistant, stretchable and wearable textile-based triboelectric nanogenerator for mechanical energy harvesting and multifunctional self-powered haptic sensing. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 423, 130200.
5. Lili Ma, Jiaxin Wang, Jinmei He*, Yali Yao, Xuedan Zhu, Lei Peng, Jie Yang, Xiangrong Liu, Mengnan Qu*. Biotemplated Fabrication of a Multifunctional Superwettable Shape Memory Film for Wearable Sensing Electronics and Smart Liquid Droplet Manipulation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 31285–31297.
6. Mengnan Qu*, Xin Yang, Lei Peng, Lulu Liu, Chen Yang, Zhao Zhao, Xiangrong Liu, Tianjun Zhang, Jinmei He*. High Reliable Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Carbon Cloth with Superamphiphobicity and Environmental Suitability. Carbon, 2021, 174, 110–122.
7. Jiaxin Wang, Jinmei He,* Lili Ma, Yi Zhang, Lihua Shen, Shanxin Xiong, Kanshe Li, Mengnan Qu*. Multifunctional conductive cellulose fabric with flexibility, superamphiphobicity and flame-retardancy for all-weather wearable smart electronic textiles and high-temperature warning device. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 390, 124508.
8. Yali Yao, Jinmei He, Lili Ma, Jiaxin Wang, Lei Peng, Xuedan Zhu, Kanshe Li, Mengnan Qu*. Superhydrophilic/underwater superaerophobic self-supporting CuS/Cu foam electrode for efficient oxygen evolution reaction. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 624, 126817.
9. Mengnan Qu*, Zhanxia Luo,Rong Wang,Dan He,Yajie Pang,Fan Shi,Wenchao Sun,Lei Peng, Jinmei He*. Green fabrication of flame retardant and superhydrophobic materials with application in oil-water separation. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2021, 31, 4926-4939.
10. Mengnan Qu*, Yajie Pang, Jiehui Li, Rong Wang, Dan He, Zhanxia Luo, Fan Shi, Lei Peng, Jinmei He*. Eco-friendly superwettable functionalized-fabric with pH-bidirectional responsiveness for controllable oil-water and multi-organic components separation. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 624, 126817.
11. Mengnan Qu*, Qian Liu, Songbai Yuan, Xin Yang, Chen Yang, Jiehui Li , Lulu Liu, Lei Peng, Jinmei He*. Facile fabrication of TiO2-functionalized material with tunable superwettability for continuous and controllable oil/water separation, emulsified oil purification, and hazardous organics photodegradation. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 610, 125942.
12. Jinmei He*, Jiehui Li, Lili Ma, Yajie Pang, Lulu Liu, Qian Liu, Lei Peng, Mengnan Qu*. High-Flux Oil-Water Separation with Superhydrophilicity and Underwater Superoleophobicity ZIF-67@Cu(OH)2 Nanowire Membrane. Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56, 3140–3154.
13. Lili Ma, Jiaxin Wang, Jiehui Li, Yajie Pang, Jinmei He, Lei Peng, Yuangang Li, Kanshe Li,* Mengnan Qu*. Intelligent composite foam with reversible tunable superwettability for efficient and sustainable oil/water separation and high-concentration organic wastewater purification. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021, 149, 144−157.
14. Mengnan Qu*, Lulu Liu, Qian Liu, Jiehui Li, Chen Yang, Xin Yang, Kanshe Li, Xiangrong Liu, Jinmei He*. Highly stable superamphiphobic material with ethanol triggered switchable wettability for high-efficiency on demand oil–water separation, Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56, 2961–2978.
15. Mengnan Qu*, Qian Liu, Lulu Liu, Chen Yang, Xin Yang, Fan Shi, Lei Peng, Shanxin Xiong, Jinmei He*. A superwettable functionalized-fabric with pH-sensitivity for controlled oil/water, organic solvents separation, and selective oil collection from water-rich system. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 254, 117665.
16. Mengnan Qu,* Lulu Liu, Xin Yang, Chen Yang, Jiehui Li, Qian Liu, Lei Peng, Xiangrong Liu, Jinmei He*. A Fluoride-Free and Super-Wetting Functionalized-Material with pH-Responsiveness for Controllable Separation of Multiphase Oil/Water Mixtures. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2020, 22, 2000983.
17. Jinmei He*, Chen Yang, Xin Yang, Lulu Liu, Jiehui Li, Qian Liu, Lei Peng, Xiangrong Liu, Mengnan Qu*. Hydrophobic electrocatalyst for the enhanced activity of oxygen reduction reaction through controllable liquid/gas/solid interface. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 532, 147357.
18. Mengnan Qu,* Qian Liu, Jinmei He, Jiehui Li, Lulu Liu, Chen Yang, Xin Yang, Lei Peng, Kanshe Li*. A multifunctional superwettable material with excellent pH-responsive for controllable in situ separation multiphase oil/water mixture and efficient separation organics system. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 515, 145991.
19. Jinmei He, Yi Zhang, Jiaxin Wang, Lili Ma, Yu Zhao, Yichen Zhou, Zaiwen Yang, Mengnan Qu*. Eco-friendly, Magnetic-Driven, Superhydrophobic Sponge for Oil/water Separation and Emulsion Purification. Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55, 6708–6720.
20. Lili Ma, Jinmei He*, Jiaxin Wang, Yichen Zhou, Yu Zhao, Yuanguang Li, Xiangrong Liu, Lei Peng, Mengnan Qu*. Functionalized Superwettable Fabric with Switchable Wettability for Efficient Oily Wastewater Purification, in Situ Chemical Reaction System Separation, and Photocatalysis Degradation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 43751−43765.
21. Mengnan Qu,* Lili Ma, Jiaxin Wang, Yi Zhang, Yu Zhao, Yichen Zhou, Xiangrong Liu, Jinmei He*. Multifunctional Superwettable Material with Smart pH Responsiveness for Efficient and Controllable Oil/Water Separation and Emulsified Wastewater Purification. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 24668–24682.
22. Jiaxin Wang, Jinmei He,* Lili Ma, Yi Zhang, Yu Zhao, Yichen Zhou, Kanshe Li, Mengnan Qu*. Buoyant and durable oil/water separation mesh for continuous and efficient collection of both oil slick and underwater oil leakage. Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 229, 115795.
23. Mengnan Qu,* Lili Ma, Lingang Hou, Mingjuan Yuan, Jiao He, Menghui Xue, Yichen Zhou, Xiangrong Liu and Jinmei He*. Fabrication and color-gradient control of colorful superhydrophobic materials with mechanical durable, oil/water separation and recyclable properties. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 466, 328–341.
24. Mengnan Qu,* Lili Ma, Yichen Zhou, Yu Zhao, Jiaxin Wang, Yi Zhang, Xuedan Zhu, Xiangrong Liu and Jinmei He*. Durable and Recyclable Superhydrophilic-Superoleophobic Materials for Efficient Oil/Water Separation and Water-Soluble Dyes Removal. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2018, 1, 5197–5209.
25. Mengnan Qu,* Mingjuan Yuan, Jiao He, Menghui Xue, Xuerui Ma, Lingang Hou, Tianjun Zhang, Xiangrong Liu, Jinmei He*. Substrate-versatile approach to multifunctional superamphiphobic coatings with mechanical durable property from quartz sand. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2018, 352, 191–200.
26. Mengnan Qu,* Xuerui Ma, Lingang Hou, Mingjuan Yuan, Jiao He, Menghui Xue, Xiangrong Liu, Jinmei He*. Fabrication of durable superamphiphobic materials on various substrates with wear-resistance and self-cleaning performance from kaolin. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 456, 737–750.
27. Mengnan Qu,* Mingjuan Yuan, Shanshan Liu, Jiao He, Menghui Xue, Xiangrong Liu, Shugang Li, Jinmei He.* A versatile and efficient method to fabricate recyclable superhydrophobic composites based on brucite and organosilane. Journal of Materials Science, 2018, 53, 396–408.
28. Mengnan Qu*, Yali Yao, Jinmei He*, Xuerui Ma, Juan Feng, Shanshan Liu, Lingang Hou, Xiangrong Liu. Tribological study of polytetrafluoroethylene lubricant additives filled with Cu microparticles or SiO2 nanoparticles. Tribology International, 2017, 110, 57–65.
29. Mengnan Qu*, Shanshan Liu, Jinmei He*, Juan Feng, Yali Yao, Xuerui Ma, Lingang Hou, Xiangrong Liu. Fabrication of recyclable and durable superhydrophobic materials with wear/corrosion-resistance properties from kaolin and polyvinylchloride. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 410, 299–307.
30. Mengnan Qu,* Xuerui Ma, Jinmei He,* Juan Feng, Shanshan Liu, Yali Yao, Lingang Hou, Xiangrong Liu. Facile selective and diverse fabrication of superhydrophobic, superoleophobic-superhydrophilic and superamphiphobic materials from one starting material of kaolin. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 1011−1020.
31. Mengnan Qu*, Shanshan Liu, Jinmei He, Chunxia Yu, Xiangrong Liu, Yali Yao, Juan Feng. Bioinspired fabrication of mechanically durable superhydrophobic material with abrasion-enhanced property. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 93403–93409.
32. Mengnan Qu*, Yali Yao, Jinmei He*, Xuerui Ma, Shanshan Liu, Juan Feng, Lingang Hou. Tribological performance of functionalized ionic liquid and Cu microparticles as lubricating additives in sunflower seed oil. Tribology International, 2016, 104, 166–174.
33. Mengnan Qu*, Shanshan Liu, Jinmei He, Juan Feng, Yali Yao, Lingang Hou, Xuerui Ma, Xiangrong Liu. Fabrication of recyclable superhydrophobic materials with self-cleaning and mechanically durable properties on various substrates by quartz sand and polyvinylchloride. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 79238–79244.
34. Mengnan Qu*, Jia Liu, Jinmei He. Fabrication of Copper-Based ZnO Nanopencil Arrays with High-Efficiency Dropwise Condensation Heat Transfer Performance. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 59405–59409.
35. Mengnan Qu*, Shanshan Liu, Jinmei He, Juan Feng, Yali Yao, Lingang Hou, Xuerui Ma. Bioinspired durable superhydrophobic materials with anti-wear property fabricated from quartz sands and organosilane. Journal of Materials Science, 2016, 51, 8718–8727.
36. Mengnan Qu*, Jinmei He, Biyun Cao. Facile Fabrication of Large-Scale Stable Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Carbon Spheres Films by Burning Rapeseed Oil. Applied Surface Science, 2010, 257, 6.
37. Mengnan Qu, Jinmei He, Junyan Zhang. Biomimetics, Learning from nature, Chapter 16: Superhydrophobicity, Learn from the Lotus Leaf. ISBN 978-953-307-025-4. IN-TECH Education and Publishing, Vienna, Austria. 2010. 325–342.
38. Mengnan Qu, Guangyu Zhao, Xiaoping Cao*, Junyan Zhang*. Biomimetic Fabrication of Lotus-Leaf-like Structured Polyaniline Film with Stable Superhydrophobic and Conductive Properties. Langmuir, 2008, 24, 4185.
39. Mengnan Qu, Guangyu Zhao, Qi Wang, Xiaoping Cao*, Junyan Zhang*. Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Surfaces by Pt Nanowire Array on Ti/Si Substrate. Nanotechnology, 2008, 19, 055707.
40. Mengnan Qu, Yuan Zhang, Jinmei He, Xiaoping Cao*, Junyan Zhang*. Pd-catalyzed coupling reaction on the organic monolayer: Sonogashira reaction on the silicon (111) surfaces. Applied Surface Science, 2008, 255, 2608.
41. Mengnan Qu, Bingwu Zhang, Shiyong Song, Li Chen, Junyan Zhang*, Xiaoping Cao*. Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Surfaces by Solution-Immersion Process on Engineering Materials. Advanced Functional Materials, 2007, 17, 593.(Cover Featured)