熊善新,博士,教授,博士生导师,陕西省人才项目入选者,中组部“西部之光”访问学者,“光电功能材料与器件”校级创新团队负责人。2005年8月至2011年8月在新加坡南洋理工大学担任Research Scientist,其中2007年7月至2008年1月在加州大学洛杉矶分校材料学院以博士后身份进行学术交流。主要研究工作集中于制备和研究导电聚合物及其与无机功能粒子复合纳米结构的电致变色性能及在化学能源方面的应用。现任中国感光学会电致变色专委会副主任,国际太阳能与环境材料学会、新加坡材料学会、中国化学会会员,及多个国际学术期刊审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金等10余项,发表SCI论文80余篇,出版专著一部,授权发明专利10项,多次获省部级及厅局级奖励。
E-mail: xiongsx@xust.edu.cn
4. 高分子纳米复合材料
Xiong, Shanxin; Zhang, Jiaojiao; Wang, Xiaoqin; Electrochemical Synthesis of Covalently Bonded Poly (3, 4-dioxyethylthiophene)-Carbon Nanotubes Composite with Enhanced Electrochromic Properties, JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s11664-021-08741-x.
Xiong, Shanxin; Zhang, Jiaojiao; Wu, Bohua; Electrochemical Preparation of Covalently Bonded PEDOT - Graphene Oxide Composite Electrochromic Materials Using Thiophene-2-methylanine as Bridging Group, CHEMISTRYSELECT, 2020, 5, 2206-12212.
Xiong, Shanxin; He, Yan; Wang, Xiaoqin; Ultralow Ash Semicoal Powder Obtained by Two-Step Acid Treatment and Its Supercapacitive Properties, ENERGY & FUELS, 2020, 34, 7591-7599.
Xiong, Shanxin; Wang, Yuancheng; Wang, Xiaoqin; Schiff base type conjugated organic framework nanofibers: Solvothermal synthesis and electrochromic properties, SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, 2020, 209, 110438.
Xiong, Shanxin; Zhang, Yong; Wang, Yuyun; Comparative study on the supercapacitive properties of PANI nanofibers, nanotubes, and nanospheres, HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS, 2020, 32, 600-608.
Xiong, Shanxin; Zhang, Jiaojiao; Wang, Ru; Enhancing the Electrochromic Properties of Polyaniline through Incorporating Terpyridine Units and Coordination Bonding with Transition Metal Ions, CHEMISTRYSELECT, 2019, 4, 14343-14350.
Xiong, Shanxin; He, Yan; Zhang, Xiangkai; Hydrothermal synthesis of high specific capacitance electrode material using porous bagasse biomass carbon hosting MnO2 nanospheres, BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY, 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s13399-019-00525-y.
Xiong, Shanxin; Wang, Yuancheng; Chu, Jia; One-pot hydrothermal synthesis of polyaniline nanofibers/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites and their supercapacitive properties, HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS, 2019, 31, 9-10.
Xiong, Shanxin; Zhang, Xiangkai; Wang, Ru; Preparation of covalently bonded polyaniline nanofibers/carbon nanotubes supercapacitor electrode materials using interfacial polymerization approach, JOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH, 2019, 26, DOI: 10.1007/s10965-019-1749-x.
Xiong, Shanxin; Lan, Jinpeng; Yin, Siyuan; Enhancing the electrochromic properties of polyaniline via coordinate bond tethering the polyaniline with gold colloids, SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, 2018, 177, 134-141.