2007-2011 西安建筑科技大学应用化学学士
2011-2014 西安建筑科技大学应用化学硕士
2016-2021 西北工业大学化学博士
2017-2019 新加坡国立大学 材料科学国家公派留学
2019-2020 新加坡南洋理工大学材料科学国家公派留学
2020-2021 南方科技大学 材料科学 访问学者
(1)Nan Zhang, Chaoren Yan, Changji Yin, Xiaoling Hu. Structural Remodeling Mechanism of the Toxic Amyloid Fibrillary Mediated by Epigallocatechin-3-gallate. 2022, 51: 48047-48058
(2)Nan Zhang; Xiaoling Hu; Ping Guan; Yarong Xu; Zhuangjian Liu; Yuan Cheng ; Effect of surface functionality of molecular imprinted composite nanospheres on specific recognition of proteins, Material and Science Engineering C, 2020, 116: 111076-111090
(3)Nan Zhang; Nan Zhang; Yarong Xu; Zhiling Li; Chaoren Yan; Kun Mei; Minling Ding; Shichao Ding; Ping Guan; Liwei Qian; Chunbao Du; Xiaoling Hu ; Molecularly Imprinted Materials for Selective Biological Recognition, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2019, 40: 1900096
(4)Nan Zhang; Yuan Cheng; Xiaoling Hu; Jingjie Yeo ; Toward rational algorithmic design of collagen-based biomaterials through multiscale computational modeling, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 2019, 24: 79-87
(5)Nan Zhang;Jingjie Yeo; Yongxiang Lim; Ping Guan; Kaiyang Zeng; Xiaoling Hu; Yuan Cheng ; Tuning the structure of monomeric amyloid beta peptide by curvature of carbon nanotubes, Carbon, 2019, 153: 717-724
(6)Zhang, Nan; Hu, Xiaoling; Guan, Ping; Zeng, Kaiyang; Cheng, Yuan ; Adsorption Mechanism of Amyloid Fibrils to Graphene Nanosheets and Their Structural Destruction, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 2018, 1(123): 897-906
(7)Niu Huizhe;Zhang Nan(共同一作); Ding Minling; Li Xin; Su Xiangyu; Guo Xulong; Guan Ping; Hu Xiaoling ; Dendritic mesoporous silica composite ionic liquid gel polymer electrolyte improves the performance of lithium battery, Ionics, 2022(8):28
(8)H Niu;N Zhang(共同一作); M Ding; T Hou; D Zhang; L Wang; P Guan; X Hu ; Preparation of poly(ionic liquid) composite quasi-solid electrolyte by incorporating metal organic framework filler decorated with ionic liquid for lithium batteries, Solid state ionics, 2022: 380
(9)Jilei Wang;Nan Zhang(共同一作); Yurong Tan; Fanfan Fu; Gengxin Liu; Yin Fang; Xin-xing Zhang; Minsu Liu; Yuan Cheng; Jing Yu ; Sweat-Resistant Silk Fibroin-Based Double Network Hydrogel Adhesives, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022,7,51,48047-48058)