籍贯: 陕西西安
杨征博士,讲师,现任化学系副主任。博士毕业于西北大学,导师李剑利教授和张生勇院士。研究方向为有机合成化学、光功能分子探针与生物诊疗传感。主持陕西省自然科技基础研究计划项目、陕西省科技厅专项科研项目、伟德国际1946bv官网优秀青年基金、中国科学院分离分析化学开放基金项目等科研项目5项,伟德国际1946bv官网教改项目2项,在Org. Lett.,J. Org. Chem.,Sens. Actuators B: Chem.,Anal. Chim. Acta、J. Mater. Chem. B等权威学术期刊发表SCI研究论文35篇,核心期刊论文6篇,引用次数超过500余次,两篇论文曾进入ESI行列,申请国家发明专利6项。获陕西高等学校科学技术奖特等奖、伟德国际1946bv官网青年教师讲课比赛三等奖、伟德国际1946bv官网优秀班主任、伟德betvlctor体育官网教师讲课技能提升大赛一等奖。指导员工获“挑战杯”老员工课外学术科技作品竞赛省级二等奖、校级特等奖、陕西省化学实验邀请赛三等奖、陕西省高校化学视频大赛三等奖等。
1. 纳米功能化氮杂环金属配位调控NO荧光探针构建及环境生物应用,No. 2018JQ2061。
2. 碳纳米改性氮杂环配合物功能化NO荧光探针及其应用,No. 2018YQ3-14。
3. 乙二胺桥连氮杂环功能化Fe3+探针的构建及机理和应用研究,No. 17JK0493。
4. 耐酸性罗丹明螺酰胺用于超分辨荧光生物成像,No. KL–1702。
1. Jiao Zhang, Shunsheng Zhao, Zheng Yang, Zaiwen Yang, Shuilan Yang, Xiangrong Liu. Hydrothermal synthesis of blue-green emitting carbon dots based on the liquid products of biodegradation of coal. International Journal of Energy Research. 2021, 45, 9396–9407.
2. Zheng Yang, Hui Li, TianTian Xu, Xiangrong Liu, Shunsheng Zhao, Zaiwen Yang. Azaaromatic functionalized rhodamine based fluorescent probes for selective dual channel detection of ClO- and Cu2+ in water samples and living cells. Chemistry Letters. 2020, 49(11), 1278–1281.
3. Siyue Ma, Jiabao Qiang, Linyang Li, Yan Mo, Mengyao She, Zheng Yang, Ping Liu, Shengyong Zhang, Jianli Li. An efficient biosensor for monitoring Alzheimer’s disease risk factors: modulation and disaggregation of Aβ aggregation process. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2019, 7, 4124-4132.
4. Zheng Yang, Mengyao She, Siyue Ma, Bing Yin, Ping Liu, Xiangrong Liu, Shunsheng Zhao, Jianli Li. Rhodamine based guanidinobenzimidazole functionalized fluorescent probe for tetravalent tin and its application in living cells imaging,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, 242, 872-879.
5. Zheng Yang, Yuanlong He, Xiangrong Liu, Shunsheng Zhao, Zaiwen Yang, Shuilan Yang. Highly efficient approach for hypochlorous acid sensing in water samples and living cells based on acylhydrazone Schiff base functionalized fluorescent probes. New Journal of Chemistry. 2017, 41, 12250–12258.
6. Zheng Yang, Xinxin Bai, Siyue Ma, Xiangrong Liu, Shunsheng Zhao, Zaiwen Yang. A benzoxazole functionalized fluorescent probe for selective Fe3+ detection and intracellular imaging in living cells, Analytical Methods, 2017, 9, 18-22.
7. Mengyao She, Shaoping Wu, Zhaohui Wang, Siyue Ma, Zheng Yang, Bing Yin, Ping Liu, Shengyong Zhang, Jianli Li. Exploration of congeneric Hg(II)-mediated chemosensors driven by S-Hg affinity, and their application in living system. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2017, 247, 128-138.
8. Siyue Ma, Yaqi Wang, Mengyao She, Shen Wang, Zheng Yang, Ping Liu, Shengyong Zhang. Jianli Li. Design strategies and progress on xanthene based fluorescent probe for metal ions. Review in Analytical Chemistry. 2017, 36, 20160024.
9. Mengyao She, Zheng Yang, Likai Hao, Zhaohui Wang, Tianyou Luo, Martin Obst, Ping Liu,Yehua Shen, Shengyong Zhang, Jianli Li. A novel approach to study the structure-property relationships and applications in living systems of modular Cu2+ fluorescent probes. Scientific Reports. 2016, 6, 28972.
10. Zheng Yang, Mengyao She, Bing Yin, Likai Hao, Martin Obst, Ping Liu, Jianli Li*. Solvent-dependent Turn-on Probe for Dual Monitoring of Ag+ and Zn2+ in Living Biological Samples. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2015, 868, 53-59.
11. Siyue Ma, Zheng Yang, Mengyao She, Wei Sun, Bing Yin, Ping Liu, Shengyong Zhang, Jianli Li. Design and synthesis of functionalized rhodamine based probes for specific intracellular fluorescence imaging of Fe3+. Dyes and Pigments. 2015, 115, 120-126.
12. Zheng Yang, Mengjia Wang, Mengyao She, Yangyang Huang, Bing Yin, Ping Liu, Jianli Li, Shengyong Zhang. New aliphatic and aromatic dialdehyde bridged turn-on probes for hypochlorite detection in biological samples based on bis(fluorescein). Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2014, 202, 656–662.
13. Zheng Yang, Likai Hao, Bing Yin, Mengyao She, Martin Obst, Andreas Kappler, Jianli Li. Six-membered spirocycle triggered probe for visualizing Hg2+ in living cells and bacteria-EPS-mineral aggregates. Organic Letters. 2013, 15(17), 4334-4337.
14. Zheng Yang, Mengyao She, Jin Zhang, Xiaoxiang Chen, Yangyang Huang, Hengyan Zhu, Ping Liu, Jianli Li, Zhen Shi. Highly sensitive and selective rhodamine Schiff base “off-on” chemosensors for Cu2+ imaging in living cells. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2013, 176, 482-487.
15. Zheng Yang, Mengyao She, Bing Yin, Jihong Cui, Yuze Zhang, Wei Sun, Jianli Li, Zhen Shi. Three rhodamine-based “off−on” chemosensors with high selectivity and sensitivity for Fe3+ imaging in living cells. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2012, 77, 1143−1147.