汪晓芹(WANG Xiaoqin)
2017,南洋理工大学材料学院,访问学者,合作导师Lee Pooi See,主要研究新型MOFs电极材料的设计与合成
1.国家自然科学基金青年项目(NO. 21406176):煤催化热解-化学气相沉积耦合制富碳管掺N多相碳/金属氧化物及其电容性能的研究,2015-2017.主持
2.国家自然科学基金面上项目(NO. 51373134):基于界面共价键构建的聚苯胺/多维碳基纳米结构体杂化电致变色材料. 2014-2017.参与
3.国家自然科学基金青年项目(NO. 21303134):氮掺杂炭功能化碳纳米管的制备及其在燃料电池电催化中的应用. 2014-2016.参与
4.陕西省自然科学基金(NO. 2011JY012):I2掺杂导电聚合物作固态染料敏化太阳能电池空穴传输材料的试验研究,2011-2014.主持
5.陕西省自然科学基金(NO. 2020JM-518):腐植酸层片基MOFs模板构筑三维多孔石墨烯及其电容性能的研究,2020-2021.主持
1.Hua Yuan, Fan He, Shaoling Cong, Jintao Shi, Qianyu wang, Nana Yang,Xiaoqin Wang*, Shanxin Xiong, Kanshe Li, Anning Zhou. Synthesis and Electrochemical Performances of a Versatile Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Skeleton Material Derived from a Humate-CoFe-ZIF/ Melamine Precursor. ACS Applied Electronic Materials. SCI/EI双收
2.Shaoling Cong, Nana Yang, Jian Liu, Hua Yuan, Qianyu Wang, Hui Zhao,Xiaoqin Wang*, Shanxin Xiong*, Kanshe Li, Anning Zhou.Highly Capacitive, CNT-Rich, and N-Doped Carbon Skeleton Materials Derived from the Two-Step Pyrolysis of Humate-Ni-BTC/Melamine Precursor. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2022, 5, 13952-13963. SCI/EI双收
3.Hua Yuan, Fan He, Jie Zhao, Shaoling Cong, Qianyu Wang, Nana Yang,Xiaoqin Wang*, Shanxin Xiong, Bohua Wu, Yan Wu.A highly active and durable PtCoFe/nitrogen‑incorporated carbon skeleton catalyst evolved from HA‑CoFe‑ZIF template for methanol electrooxidation.Ionics, 2022, 28: 3379-3388. SCI/EI双收
4.Shaoling Cong, Yufei Yang, Kanshe Li, Fan He, Jian Liu, Hua Yuan,Xiaoqin Wang*, Runlan Zhang, Jia Chu, Ming Gong, Bohua Wu, Shanxin Xiong, Anning Zhou. Solvothermal Synthesis of a High Supercapacitive Humate–NiCo–LDH Composite Material Derived from the Humate–ZIF-67 Template. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2022, 4 (1): 233-245.
5.Fan He, Kanshe Li, Shaoling Cong, Hua Yuan,Xiaoqin Wang*, Bohua Wu, Runlan Zhang, Jia Chu, Ming Gong, Shanxin Xiong, Yan Wu, Anning Zhou.Design and Synthesis of N-Doped Carbon Skeleton Assembled by Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene as a High-Performance Electrode Material for Supercapacitors.ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2021, 4: 7731-7742.
6.从少领,赵捷,杨玉飞,吴长清,贺凡,袁华,汪晓芹*,熊善新,吴燕,周安宁.煤基聚苯胺制掺N碳微纳米管的实验研究.化工学报, 2021, 72(9): 4950-4960. EI收
7.Fan He, Kanshe Li, Shaoling Cong, Hua Yuan, Changqing Wu,Xiaoqin Wang*, Bohua Wu, Shanxin Xiong, Yan Wu, Anning Zhou.An Enhanced-Activity and High-Stability PtCo/N-Doped Carbon Skeleton Electrocatalyst Derived from UA-ZIF-67 Template for Methanol Oxidation.ChemistrySelect,2021,6: 1-14.
8.Shaoling Cong, Yufei Yang, Fan He, Jie Zhao, Kanshe Li,Xiaoqin Wang*, Shanxin Xiong, Yan Wu, Anning Zhou.Synthesis of N-Doped Porous Carbon/Carbon Micro-Nanotubes/NixCoyOz Nanosheets as a High-Capacity Electrode Material for Supercapacitors.ChemistrySelect,2021,6: 8379-8390.
9.Fan He,Nana Yang, Kanshe Li,Xiaoqin Wang*,Shaoling Cong,Linsen Zhang, Shanxin Xiong, Anning Zhou.Hydrothermal Synthesis of Ni-based metal organic frameworks/graphene oxide composites as supercapacitor electrode materials. Journal of Materials Research, 2020, 35: 1439-1450.SCI/EI双收
10.Nana Yang, Qiaoqin Li, Kanshe Li,Xiaoqin Wang*, Fan He, Shaoling Cong, Shanxin Xiong, Anning Zhou. Effects of low-temperature annealing on capacitance performances of NiCo-based bimetal-organic framework materials synthesized in various solvents. Materials Letters, 2020, 268: 127608.
11.Xiaoqin Wang, Nana Yang, Qiaoqin Li, Fan He, Yufei Yang, Shaoling Cong, Kanshe Li, Shanxin Xiong, Anning Zhou. Hydrothermal Synthesis of Humate-Layer-Based Bimetal Organic Framework Composites as High Rate-Capability and Enery-Density Electrode Materials for Supercapacitors. ChemistrySelect, 2020, 5: 2794-2804.SCI收
12.Xiaoqin Wang, Nana Yang, Qiaoqin Li, Fan He, Yufei Yang, Bohua Wu, Jia Chu, Anning Zhou, Shanxin Xiong.Solvothermal synthesis offlower-string-like NiCo-MOF/MWCNT composites as a high-performance supercapacitor electrode material, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2019, 270: 575-586.SCI/EI双收
13.Qiaoqin Li,Xiaoqin Wang*, Nana Yang, Fan He, Yufei Yang, Bohua Wu, Jia Chu, Anning Zhou, Shanxin Xiong. Hydrangea-like NiCo-based Bimetal-organic Frameworks, and their Pros and Cons as Supercapacitor Electrode Materials in Aqueous Electrolytes. Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2019, 645: 1022-1030. SCI/EI双收
14.Xiaoqin Wang, Qiaoqin Li, Nana Yang, Yufei Yang, Fan He, Jia Chu, Ming Gong, Bohua Wu, Runlan Zhang, Shanxin Xiong. Hydrothermal synthesis of NiCo-based bimetal-organic frameworks as electrode materials for supercapacitors, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2019, 270: 370-378.
15.Xiaoqin Wang, Yufei Yang, Nana Yang, Jie Zhao, Yong Zhang, Qiaoqin Li, Jia Chu, Bohua Wu, Shanxin Xiong. Synthesis and capacitance properties of N-doped porous carbon/NixCoyOz/carbon micro-nanotubes composites using coal-based polyaniline as a carbon and nitrogen source, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2019, 30(2): 1056-1067.SCI/EI双收
16.Xiaoqin Wang, Qiaoqin Li, Yong Zhang, Yufei Yang, Shanxin Xiong.Synthesis and Capacitance Properties of N-doped Porous Carbon/NiO Nanosheet Composites Using Coal-based Polyaniline as Carbon and Nitrogen Source, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 442: 565-574. SCI/EI双收
17.Xiaoqin Wang, Yufei Yang, Yong Zhang, Shanxin Xiong. Facile synthesis and capacitance properties of N-doped porous carbon/iron oxide composites through the single-step pyrolysis of coal-based polyaniline. Journal of Porous Materials, 2018, 25: 845-853. SCI/EI双收