1. 浮选基础理论;
2. 固废资源安全处置与综合利用;
2023/01- 至今,伟德国际1946bv官网,伟德betvlctor体育官网,讲师;
2019/09-2023 /01,东北大学,资源与土木工程学院矿物加工工程专业,博士;
2016/09-2019 /03,福州大学,紫金矿业学院地质工程专业,硕士;
(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 52174239, 表面粗糙度调控钙镁碳酸盐矿物润湿性和可浮性的基础研究, 2022-01-01至2025-12-31, 59万元, 参与
(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 51804081, 磨矿体系新生离子效应对硫化铜矿物浮选的影响及优化调控, 2019-01-01至2021-12-31, 27万元, 参与
(1) Qiuyue Sheng; Wanzhong Yin*; Bin Yang; Shaohang Cao; Haoran Sun; Yingqiang Ma; Keqiang Chen; Improving surface sulfidization of azurite with ammonium bisulfate and its contribution to sulfidization flotation, Minerals Engineering, 2021, 171: 107072.
(2) Qiuyue Sheng; Wanzhong Yin*; Bin Yang; Haoran Sun; Jin Yao; Efficiently separating malachite from talc using new collector famciclovir via reverse flotation, Minerals Engineering, 2021, 174: 107243.
(3) Qiuyue Sheng; Wanzhong Yin*; Yingqiang Ma; Yutong Liu; Liying Wang; Bin Yang; Haoran Sun Jin Yao; Selective depression of talc in azurite sulfidization flotation by tamarind polysaccharide gum: Flotation response and adsorption mechanism, Minerals Engineering, 2022, 178: 107393.
(4) Qiuyue Sheng; Wanzhong Yin*; Bin Yang; Keqiang Chen; Haoran Sun; Promotion of oxidation pretreatment on sulfidation of cuprite surface and its contribution to flotation, Minerals Engineering, 2021, 174: 107256.
(5) Qiuyue Sheng; Bin Yang; Shaohang Cao; Wanzhong Yin*; Haoran Sun; Yingqiang Ma; Keqiang Chen; Adsorption of cupferron on malachite (−2 0 1) surface and implication for flotation, Minerals Engineering, 2021, 169: 106954.
(6) Haoran Sun; Bin Yang; Zhanglei Zhu; Wanzhong Yin*; Qiuyue Sheng*; Ying Hou; Jin Yao; New insights into selective-depression mechanism of novel depressant EDTMPS on magnesite and quartz surfaces: Adsorption mechanism, DFT calculations, and adsorption model, Minerals Engineering, 2021, 160: 106660. (ESI高被引)
(7) Bin Yang; Wanzhong Yin*; Zhanglei Zhu; Haoran Sun*; Qiuyue Sheng; Yafeng Fu*; Jin Yao; Kai Zhao; Differential adsorption of hydrolytic polymaleic anhydride as an eco-friendly depressant for the selective flotation of apatite from dolomite, Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 256: 117803. (ESI高被引)
杨斌,朱张磊,盛秋月,印万忠,唐远,宋宁波,曹少航,姚金.一种抑制剂丙烯酸马来酸共聚物钠盐在磷矿石浮选脱镁中的应用, 2021-01-01,中国, ZL201911181543.7.
Qiuyue Sheng; Wanzhong Yin; Yahui Zhang; Kelly Hawboldt; Selective depression of talc in cuprite sulfidization flotation by new depressant astragaloside, 61st Annual Conference of Metallurgists(COM2022), Montréal, Québec, Canada, 2022-8-21至2022-8-24.