1. 物化学报将于2010年4月出版北京大学化学学院100周年特刊(正常刊期,非增刊),敬请化学学院老师(包括兼职教授和客座教授)和化学学院院友给予支持。
2. 物化学报将于2010年7月出版唐有祺先生90华诞特刊(正常刊期,非增刊),敬请广大教师、研究人员以及唐先生的员工给予支持。
3. 2009年1-7月文章发布在‘在线预览(Articles in Press)’栏目平均出版周期为99天(近3个月),印刷版平均出版周期为170天(不到6个月)。
4. 物化学报2008年SCI影响因子和总被引频次分别为0.673和1230,比2007年的(0.611和983)都有提高。
5. 物化学报不收取论文评审费(注册费);经过专家评审以‘通讯’发表的文章免收版面费,其他文章版面费为100元/印刷版面。
6. 聘请母语为英语的专家对拟发表文章的英文摘要进行语言编辑,费用由编辑部支付。
7. 物化学报得到国家自然科学基金委重点学术期刊和中国科协精品科技期刊工程项目资助。
8. 物化学报编辑部7月20日-8月21日暑假轮休(其他时间正常上班),轮休期间每个工作日都有人值班,可正常处理稿件。
Dear Professor,
Wish you and your family have a wonderful Summer Time!
1. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica (APCS) will organize a Special Issue (April 2010) for 100 anniversary of College of Chemistry, Peking University.
2. APCS will organize a Special Issue (July 2010) in Honor of Professor Youqi Tang's 90th Birthday.
3. The average publication period in 'Articles in Press' is 99-day, and the average publication period is 170-day for the print in January-July 2009.
4. SCI impact factor of APCS is 0.673 in 2008.
5. There is no need for registration fee, and ‘communication or letter’ is published free of charge, other papers’ publishing fee is 100 Yuan/page.
6. The English abstracts in accepted papers would be polished by experts, whose mother language is English.
7. APCS is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST).
8. Summer Vacation will be from July 20 to August 21, 2009, but manuscript can be dealt normally.
This email was sent from the author and expert database.
Editorial Office of Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica,
College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering,
Peking University, Beijing 100871, P. R. China
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